Posted On Friday, December 30, 2011 at
4:14 AM
by Seo Experts

As per my knowledge is concern only 3 Hats matters most in SEO -
White Hat SEO
Grey Hat SEO
Black Hat SEO
1. White Hat SEO:
White Hat SEO means completely following the ethical methods to acquire good rankings in search engines for a website. If a website really providing good information to visitors then white hat SEO works very well
and gives the best results. Now you have question that “what are white hat SEO methods?” All the methods which aren’t trying to cheat or manipulate search engines or visitors are called white hat SEO methods. I hope only few sites like Wikipedia, Google etc... follows white hat SEO methods.
2. Grey Hat SEO:
Grey Hat SEO means following combination of ethical and unethical methods to get fine rankings in Search Engines for a website. Most of the SEOs use Grey Hat SEO Methods to attain rankings. Grey Hat SEO works fine most of the time and most of the professionals recommend it. Grey Hat SEO methods aren’t unethical, it includes little stuffing of keywords in the site and back links etc. Now a day’s these methods are quite common while promoting website. Most of Corporate websites, Personal Blogs etc … follows Grey Hat SEO Methods.
3. Black Hat SEO:
Black Hat SEO stands to follow completely unethical which are used to cheat, manipulate search engines as well as users. In the past years search engines aren’t able to recognize these methods and difficult to find out and filter the websites which use Black Hat SEO techniques. Search engines are became smarter now and able to find out and blocks websites which use black hat techniques. Search Engine Quality Professional are working hardly and updating regularly the SE algorithms to give the best results to the visitors.
Posted On at
3:21 AM
by Seo Experts
Shorten URLs will be used especially at Social Media sites to share web pages and interesting links. People are spending hours and hours in front of Facebook, Twitter etc, so URL Shortener services are increasing day by day. Most of people have this question that whether these short URLs are SEO friendly or not.
Usually shorten URLs will redirect to destination URLs. We need to find out whether these redirections are permanent (301) or temporary (302). We have few free tools on the web to check it. Yes, URL Shorten Services are using permanent 301 redirection which is search engine friendly. Please have a look at the following screenshot for better understanding.
Posted On Tuesday, August 30, 2011 at
4:13 AM
by Seo Experts
The Business Era of Social Media Optimization:
Social Media Optimization (SMO) is a way of generating popularity for a website through social medias like popular online communities and community websites. It is in many ways like viral marketing where a website is made popular through word of mouth created through the use of networking in social bookmarking, video and photo sharing. SMO are the best ways to get traffic to a website as they provide free ways to the surfer. This can greatly enhance the traffic to a website and that too for free or at very little cost. SMO is also Called web 2.0 marketing.
Social media optimization has proved to be a better way of attracting traffic to a website and getting the site optimized than Search Engine Optimization (SEO). It focuses on driving traffic from sources other than search engines and thus it gives improved search ranking. It harnesses a lot of free traffic and is much cheaper than SEO.
You can target more traffic through SMO by using social sites like Digg, Furl, Stumble Upon and Propeller to name a few. You can generate one way links from high ranking sites so it’s great for your page optimization and people can click find these links while browsing these social sites. The more intriguing and catchy your review is the more people would click through on your link.
Some of the SEO Step’s Search media optimization rules include:
Put tagging and book marking
Give ability for easy and quick linking
Must have the social networking
Let the views and the comments get posted on the live contents
Create blog for your sites
Remunerate the inbound links
RSS feeds
Including a Digg This button
Incorporating community functionalities of the third party such as the Flickr photo galleries and slides or the You Tube video
Posted On Monday, April 4, 2011 at
3:25 AM
by Seo Experts
SEO is a way to boost volume and quality traffic to a website using a search engine. However, itis not the same as Pay Per Click advertising, which the website owner pays for.
SEO is free advertising that shows up in the search engines. The way to get a website to show up in the free advertising on a search engine is through good keyword customization for a website.
“Let’s take a comparison of Pay Per Click (PPC) and SEO using Google. If you do a search forcats” there will be PPC advertising on the correct, which the most PPC ads per page on Googlewill be 8. The first ad showing on the right will be paying the most money.
On the left are the non-paid results, and there will be multiple pages of results depending on your search phrase. Websites that are and use good keyword optimization strategies will belisted on the first page, or possibly in the first place.
For SEO, SEM, SMO Services Contact Mr. Ashish, Contact Id is -
Posted On Monday, January 31, 2011 at
10:35 PM
by Seo Experts
A Simple Definitions
XML is an acronym for Extensible Markup Language, a simple and flexible text-based programming language used in conjunction with HTML. XML is useful for data exchange and the creation of customized tags.
XML Feed
An XML feed is a form of Paid Inclusion or Search Engine Submission in which an XML document is used to provide a [...]
What is “XML Feed”?
An XML feed is a form of Paid Inclusion or Search Engine Submission in which an XML document is used to provide a search engine with information about multiple web pages. An XML feed is particularly useful for multimedia sites or database sites that draw a variety of relevant search queries.
What is “XML”?
XML is an acronym for Extensible Markup Language, a simple and flexible text-based programming language used in conjunction with HTML. XML is useful for data exchange and the creation of customized tags.
Web Analytics
Web analytics is a branch of Analytics that uses web traffic records to study the behavior of website visitors. Data such as Unique Visitors, Hits, page views, and the connection between Landing Pages and Conversion Rates are used to improve a website or marketing campaign.
Web Browser
Web browser is software installed on the Internet user’s [...]
What is “White Hat SEO”? A Simple Definition
Also known as natural search engine optimization or organic search engine optimization, white hat SEO is the legitimate use of keyword-focused copy and tags, Crawler-friendly site architecture, Search Engine Submissions and a quality Backlinks network to improve a site’s Position, page rank and Click-Through Rate. White hat SEO does not involve the use of Cloaking, [...]
What is “Website Submission”?
Also known as search engine registration or search engine submission, website submission is the submission of a URL to a Directory or Search Engine for inclusion in its Index. Registration is usually free but can also require payment. Website submission is a basic but important part of Search Engine Optimization.
What is “Website Promotion”
Website promotion refers to the marketing aspects of Search Engine Optimization, such as Keyword Submission, Paid Inclusion, and other techniques to increase a site’s exposure.
What is “Website Optimization”?
Also known as search engine optimization, website optimization is the modification of a website for the purpose of improving its natural Rank on Search Engine Results Pages. This is done through a combination of optimization strategies such as directory and search engine Submission, Keyword Marketing and improved Link quality.
What is “Website Marketing”?
Also known as Internet marketing, website marketing is using the Internet to advertise, communicate and sell goods and services. On an advanced level, website marketing is known as Search Engine Optimization (SEO), which is the use of targeted keywords, crawler-friendly site architecture, Search Engine Submissions and a well-developed link network to improve a site’s Position, [...]
Posted On at
10:24 PM
by Seo Experts
There are some tips to improve site ranking -
1. Keyword Analysis
2. Competitive Analysis
3. Growing your website
4. Internal and External Link Building Strategies
5. Boosting keyword relevancy Page by page.
Link Popularity:- The best way to ensure that pages of your web site are indexed is to buld links to them.
Why is SEO so important?
There are millions of Web sites. The odds of having a completely unique Web site are slim. If a site sells products and relies on search engines to deliver new customers, optimizing that site for search engine indexing can mean the difference between failure and success. If a site's results are buried under the competition's links, it won't be able to reach new customers.
When consumers use search engines, they want results quickly. Many users will stop at the first page of results — maybe even on the first couple of links. If a site isn't near the top of the first page, it will essentially be invisible.